Now this was a nice plaque to find in my mailbox!!  I'm Thrilled!!
These awards are from the Divine Diva Welcoming Committee.  I love being among the first to welcome new Divine Diva members and I proudly disply these awards on my site.  Thank you ladies!!
This award was presented to ALL the ladies who are members of WOSIB in honor of their three year anniversary.  WAY TO GO WOSIB!! I'm proud to be a member.
This is truly an honor!  I absolutley love being one of the first groups to surf through new sites and welcome new sisters to Divine Divas of the Web!  Thank you!!
I'm floored with this award.  Thank you WOSIB Sisters!!
I had a reason for applying for this award.  I feel honored to link to Angels Are With Us. Please visit her.
This award had me jumping up and down!  Thank you WOSIB Creators! This group is my favorite.
Please go visit her beautiful site!
I plan on taking as many courses available to me to learn more about html as possible.  This course taught me a LOT!! I'm so proud of myself!
A silly turkey contest...guess I didn't do half bad!